Experiencing the Star Wars Saga, motion pictures, retrogaming and stuff throughout the ages. Home to Obi-Wandi's Blog Spirits.
Category: Star Wars: Blog Spirits
The Original Obi-Wandi’s Blog Spirits: An analysis of how sensible marketing efforts resuscitated the dormant Star Wars franchise from the Dark Times of the 1980ies. First published at www.starwars.com in 2007 and continuing on this site dedicated to retrography and motion pictures – and Star Wars.
Box office figures tell harsh tales. While Rogue One earned more than a billion dollars worldwide, Solo could not even crawl past 400 million dollars globally. The difference in narrative perspective explains the Death Star-sized revenue gap.
What a great pleasure and honour it is to join Steve Erickson’s most delightful conversation with one of the gaming industry’s finest: Simon Butler, weaver of pixels and tales from 8- to 16-bit and beyond.
Due to engagements related to the world of academia, I have been somewhat absent from the vast environs of the interwebs. Over the next two months, I promise to return with
When I saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens on December 16th, 2015 I was perfectly oblivious to any advance publicity. It had all started in late October 2012, when news broke that Walt Disney Studios had taken over Lucasfilm and its many assets. Kathleen Kennedy was appointed chief officer of the once Lucas-helmed enterprise and quickly proceeded to start pre-production of the seventh Star Wars installment (whilst prepping the spin-off film Rogue One in secret) . This course of surprising events made me abandon, unfollow and ignore dozens of film-related websites and social media accounts. Old habits were instantly dropped and I started distancing myself inevitably from one of my favourite hobbies, the film industry. It is therefore that I had not seen a single second, millimeter or anything of the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens, whose midnight premiere I attended on said December 16th, 2015. I went in totally blank, here is how I received a film whose marketing machinery I had ignored with monkish patience.
A fan awakens as Andreas Wanda recounts how he experienced Episode VII after a 2 1/2 year-long media sabbatical. (C) Walt Disney, Lucasfilm
The circle is now complete: from The Empire Strikes Back by Parker Brothers to the LEGO Star Wars series, the Retro Asylum podcast saga on Star Wars retrogaming is (almost) the next best thing to finally welcoming back Luke, Han and Leia in The Force Awakens. Switch off your targeting computer and let retro flow through you…
Fleetwood Mac seemed uncannily absent from the charts when George Lucas painted early 1997 in the glowing hues of the sweet summer of 1977: You must learn the ways of the Force if you are to come with me to the multiplex…